by petpack | Oct 10, 2016 | Pet Advice
Statistics show that obesity affects 25 to 44% of dogs, and 6 to 12 % of cats. What causes obesity? There are some medical conditions that can cause obesity, however these are uncommon (Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, any cause of abdominal distension)....
by petpack | Oct 10, 2016 | Pet Advice
What do my cat’s kidneys do? Kidneys have many functions, including removing nitrogenous waste products from the blood stream, maintaining electrolytes at the correct level, regulating fluid balance within the body and producing hormones. What is chronic renal failure...
by petpack | Sep 29, 2016 | Pet Advice
Dogs are like people. They inherit physical and character traits from breeds in their family tree. They also pass along genetic disorders from generation to generation. Your mixed-breed dog is a mixed bag of genetic traits. Understanding their ancestry helps you and...
by petpack | Sep 6, 2016 | Pet Advice
After a long, wet and very cold winter we are thrilled that Spring has arrived. But Spring also brings about some hazards and one in particular is the presence of snail (and slug) bait in the garden.. Part of the problem is that snail bait pellets can look just like...
by petpack | Sep 1, 2016 | Pet Advice
What does Flea Allergy mean? Even our non allergic dogs experience only minor skin irritation in response to flea bites. Even with the presence of dozens of fleas, there can be very little itching. On the other hand, the flea allergic dog has a severe, itch-producing...
by petpack | Jul 25, 2016 | Pet Advice
HOW TO BRUSH YOU DOG’S TEETH Brushing a dog’s teeth is no mean feat! Because of this, at Whitehorse Veterinary Hospital, we recommend getting your pet used to the routine of teeth brushing and mouth handling from a very early age! Start at a very early...