by Whitehorse Vet | Apr 21, 2022 | Pet Advice
Easter can be an exciting time for both adults and children. While we prepare for Easter, it is essential to keep an eye on potential dangers for your furry friend. Chocolate Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine (a chemical compound found in the cacao plant),...
by Whitehorse Vet | Mar 21, 2022 | Pet Advice
Desexing your pet is a vitally important part of being a responsible pet parent. It’s a decision veterinarians encourage all pet parents to make as it will lead to a healthier, happier and potentially longer life. What is desexing? Desexing (sometimes referred...
by Whitehorse Vet | Feb 21, 2022 | Pet Advice
You’ve likely been spending lots of time at home during the pandemic, and no doubt your dog has enjoyed this quality time with you. If like many, you’ve welcomed a new furry family member into your home during this period, they’ll be very used to...
by Whitehorse Vet | Nov 16, 2021 | Pet Advice
Hot-spots are a common problem amongst dogs, and some breeds like golden retrievers, labradors, and rottweilers may be more susceptible to these than others. What is a hot spot? A hot-spot can otherwise be known as a ‘moist skin rash,’ acute moist dermatitis, or...
by Whitehorse Vet | Nov 16, 2021 | Pet Advice
We all love spending quality time with our pets on a hot summer’s day. However, we need to stay vigilant in summer, as the warmer weather can expose our pets to several dangers. One of these dangers is heatstroke. Heatstroke, or hyperthermia, occurs when your pet’s...
by Whitehorse Vet | Nov 16, 2021 | Pet Advice
The silly season is an exciting time of year, with Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations giving us plenty of reasons to let loose and celebrate. With an increase of visitors, noises, tasty treats, shiny new toys, and interesting smells, this time of year can be...